Thursday 27 October 2011

Richard Harmon in The Secret Circle, new interview with Scott Porter, and the frakking anniversary

Let's start with the frakking anniversary:

Frak October 27.

Caprica was cancelled and pulled from Syfy's schedule exactly a year ago today, and The Caprica Times has the sitrep on the show and the fandom a year later. Check it out: Caprica: One Year Later

Alessandra Torresani didn't make that appearance on American Horror Story yesterday despite IMDB saying she would, but she will definitely show up on next week's episode. Sorry for the confusion.

Richard Harmon guest stars in The Secret Circle 1x07, "Masked," which airs tonight at 9 pm on the CW.

IMDB says that he plays "Pig Face/Ian," so that may or may not be him in the screenshot to the left.

Richard posted a photo from the set of The Pregnancy Project earlier today. You can see it here.

And Judas Kiss is among the hottest new/upcoming releases in the UK, too.

The Grimm premiere is only a day away (Friday, 9 pm, NBC).

No new interviews with Sasha Roiz, but the Portland Tribune has an interesting article that includes interviews with showrunner David Greenwalt and some of the cast members. Here is some new info:
The crew has shot about nine episodes of “Grimm,” with four to go. Audiences will determine how long the show lasts; if it’s picked up for the entire season, the crew and talent will return in January to film the second half of the season.

As Greenwalt points out, 9 p.m. Fridays is the former time slot for the “X Files.” That show worked out well.

Future episodes will involve the “Pied Piper” and “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” as well as the “Three Little Pigs” as greedy politicians.
Comics Alliance has a new interview with Scott Porter, mostly about X-Men. A couple of snippets below, more at the link.
CA: As a fan and an actor, did you specifically seek out a comics-related property like X-Men Anime, or did they approach you?
SP: Actually, [Marvel Head of Television] Jeph Loeb called me... [We] had met when he was working on Heroes and I was working on Friday Night Lights -- both on NBC -- and we had kept in contact. Once he became involved with the Marvel television department... he called me one day out of the blue and wanted to know if I wanted to get involved [with Marvel Anime], and I said sure, why not.

CA: Were you into the X-Men as a kid, or was there another team or character that you loved?
SP: The X-Men were my entry into comics. They were the first thing that really grabbed me. My dad had got me a couple issues of Fantastic Four here and there, some Spider-Man, some Captain America. It all just seemed so squeaky clean to me at 10 years old. I was like, "I dunno. I don't love 'em." And then first X-Men book I ever read -- I think it was #209 with Emma and the Hellfire Club... It was this crazy big battle and somebody died and I was like, "This is dangerous! This is awesome!" So I stuck with the X-Men and they became part of my world. It was a great time in X-Men history, right when X-Factor was starting so Cyclops handed off the mantle of leadership to Storm. There were all these great, out-there stories, and we're talking about a kid who was living in Nebraska. I liked things that a lot of other people in Nebraska didn't like, like hip-hop music or kung-fu movies. So the X-Men felt like home to me. They were kind of outsiders who weren't part of the regular world, and I found an escape in that.
Young Adult with Patton Oswalt was screened in Chicago last week, and Patton was there for a Q&A, along with director Jason Reitman and writer Diablo Cody. Here are the highlights:

And here is the teaser for tonight's episode of The Secret Circle:

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