Friday 7 December 2012

Blood and Chrome - final two episodes

Machinima has posted the last two episodes of Blood and Chrome today. You can watch them below or on YouTube. And there are a couple of updates after the clip.

Episode 9
In the aftermath of the deadly Cylon ambush, Coker (Ben Cotton) threatens Becca (Lili Bordan), forcing Adama (Luke Pasqualino) to a heated standoff.

Episode 10
Becca discovers a startling new development that will affect the future of the human race. Meanwhile, Coker’s life hangs in the balance as the team holds out hope for a rescue, and Adama has a disheartening realization about the war effort and his place in it.

If you didn't get around to reading the transcript Bear McCreary's AMA on Reddit from last Friday, here is what you've missed:
Is there any update on what's happening with the Caprica soundtrack? There's so many wonderful tracks from it that I want to listen to properly.
Hey cube1701... this is a great question. First, a little background on how I deal with albums. As you guys probably know, I put a lot of time and energy into them and make sure that they are great listening experiences, not just a collection of cues that were mixed for broadcast. This approach resulted in some great BSG albums, and a great album for the Caprica pilot.

The rest of the series was no exception. I assembled a collection of the best cues into suites, re-recorded, re-mixed and re-mastered a fantastic double disc album. It's done, and it's been done for a while.

However, Caprica's swift demise and slim ratings made it difficult to get this album released. I can't move forward on anything like that without involvement from NBC Universal and for a long time, there was little interest in working on an album for a show that was no longer on the air. (For the BSG records, we always had the promotion of the following season or DVD release to piggy-back on for album promotion).

So, the bad news is that no album has come out yet. But, the good news is that we're beginning to make some real progress now. NBC Universal is showing interest in letting me release this music.

The best thing fans can do is continue to show their support and enthusiasm for the idea. I'm confident we can make it happen, as long as the fans make it clear to the powers-that-be that they want it.

How can we show NBC Universal that we're interested? The scores for Caprica's first season (particularly the second half of the season) are some of my favorite cues you've ever written. It would make my week to see a release. :)
Trust me. You guys are helping right now. People who can help make the Caprica album a reality are watching what's happening right now. Keep it up!

I know a CD release of Caprica is tied up at the moment, but what's the word on a release of Blood & Chrome?
Plans are afoot.

Hey Bear. Is there any indication that Blood and Chrome will have a life beyond the single movie? Just hearing the BSG style of music again gives me pangs for a weekly intake. Also, say hi to Erin, Todd and Nova if you talk to Erin any time soon.
As far as I know, there are no concrete plans right now. But, it also seems that everyone is open to the idea. Fans have a say in this, though. Enough views on Machinima, enough views in February when it airs, and / or enough DVD sales when it comes out in February can all make a difference. Everybody tune in, because we're all ready to make more of these!

Tons more about Bear's work on BSG, The Walking Dead, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Defiance (coming in April), and everything else at Reddit.

Ben Cotton and Mike Dopud were on The Rush last week. They talked about Blood and Chrome, and also about season two of Arctic Air - they will both be appearing in it. Here is the clip: