Saturday 13 November 2010

Friday wrap: Bear McCreary & cast updates

A few scattered updates today.

CapriCast has posted a video review of Caprica 1x15, "The Dirteaters." You can find it here.

Teresa Jusino over at has a new interview with Bear McCreary. It's mostly about his work on Human Target last season, but he also mentioned some interesting things about the BSG piano book, Caprica score in season 1.5, and the possibility of the Caprica Season One soundtrack being released:

Will there be themes from Battlestar Galactica incorporated into upcoming episodes of Caprica? Will there be a connection musically as the show progresses?

Bear McCreary: Connection musically, yes. Themes, no. I will say this: starting very soon, the episodes of Caprica take a noticeable shift and the writing and the acting and editing and music is going to get tighter and more focused, and it begins a story arc that takes us to the end of the season. And you’re going to see that the music is going to shift and there is going to be a familiarity in that shift. That’s probably all I’ll say right now, but there are some cool musical surprises on the horizon for Caprica.

Will there be a Caprica soundtrack released that features the opening theme?

Bear McCreary: I suspect that yes, there will. I can say that the guys at La La Land Records and I are talking about this, and the more that we sell Human Target CDs, the more we can make the case to the higher-ups that we wanna release a Caprica Season One. So we hope that Human Target does as well as we think it’s gonna do.

You can read the rest of the interview here. Note: Human Target is back this Wednesday at 9 pm on Fox. Bear isn't scoring the show anymore, but Tahmoh Penikett will make an appearance in the season opener. And The Walking Dead still airs Sundays at 10 pm on AMC.

Aleks Paunovic is on Supernatural tonight (Friday) at 9 pm on the CW network. You can find the synopsis, previews and pictures from the set at

Alessandra Torresani will be hosting Attack of the Show again this Tuesday. And you might wanna check out her blog, too. She posted the trailer for Annie Goes Boating, a short film she did last year, which is now available at

Sasha Roiz has posted a couple of pictures from the set of Extracted on Twitpic.

Rabid Doll has a new interview with Ryan Robbins, mostly about Sanctuary (new episode airs tonight at 10 pm), and Airlock Alpha talked to him about Riese.

This week's episode of Hellcats, with Magda Apanowicz, Teryl Rothery, Ben Cotton and Aaron Douglas will be available one of these days at

Magda's next episode, "Think Twice Before You Go," will air on December 1.

Ryan Kennedy and Ben Cotton are back on the show next Wednesday (Nov. 17) in episode 1x10, "Pledging My Love." TV Overmind has the press release and promo.

And Jorge Montesi may or may not be on Outlaw tomorrow (Saturday, 8 pm, NBC).

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