Monday 26 April 2010

New interview with Scott Porter (Anaheim Comic Con) has posted a recent interview with Scott Porter, who was at the Wizard World Anaheim Comic Con last week. He shared some interesting spoilers about Caprica season 1.5:

IESB: Scott, tell us about some of your upcoming projects.

Scott: There's the second season of Caprica, which is being very mysterious about what is going to be aired. It should be coming up in the fall. For Caprica, a lot of people think it’s been a bit slow, but the second half of the season will be phenomenal.

IESB: Really? Would you elaborate on Caprica?

Scott: We start to see the terrorist cells start to flex their muscles. They will now give a clear vision on what they want to be. They start forming away to get everyone to subscribe to the one god line of thinking. With the Graystones, finding Zoe and trying to retrieve her back, everything comes to end towards the end of the first season and set up nicely for the war to actually start.

IESB: What about your role on Caprica?

Scott: Up until now, it's been an assistant role for Clarice and kind of a computer geek. He's a strong believer and like most villains, he thinks what he is doing is right. You’ll see more of this in the second half of the season. I’m in over half of the episodes for the second season. []

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