Wednesday 20 January 2010

Eric Stoltz talks about Caprica has a new interview up with Eric Stoltz. He talks about his character, Daniel Graystone, his first encounter with Battlestar fandom and the Caprica script, and the ways in which the show will explore the ethical implications of artificial intelligence.

Q: What did you hear about the plans for "Caprica" that made you want to be part of the project?

A: I was shooting something in Utah and the script was sent to me, but I didn't get around to reading it right away -- and then it went missing from my room. It turns out one of the guys at the hotel was a big "Battlestar (Galactica)" fan and had bribed the maid to take the script so he could read it. It was a very interesting introduction to the passion and fervor the fans hold for that show.

In any case, this prompted me to read the script, and it was so rich and complex that I decided to meet with the creators to see what they were like in person.

Q: How would you describe your character, Daniel Graystone, and his relationship with Joseph Adama?

A: He's a captain of industry, a billionaire not unlike Bill Gates, someone whose imagination and creativity and knowledge have richly rewarded him. He's united with (main character) Joseph Adama by loss -- they are both deeply wounded (not literally) by a terrorist bombing -- and although they are bound by this event, they really are like chalk and cheese in that they have nothing else in common.

Q: In what ways is "Caprica" similar to and different from "Battlestar"?

A: ("Caprica") is different in that it's about two families -- it's not a war story, it's not set in space, it's about two families and how they connect and disconnect, and how the feelings that our families generate can fuel us on to make decisions that resonate around the world, but are perhaps not always in the best interest of society. It's similar in that it has wonderfully complex characters who are neither all good nor bad, but exist in the middle area that we all seem to live in. Keep reading

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